Bernadette’s Story

Bernadette’s Story

CWJC accepts women from such diverse walks of life. - Read Full Story

In the summer of 2011, we were living with the upheaval and stress of both my husband and me being unemployed. That reality adds a level of burden, fear, and difficulty upon a family that is difficult to explain. I had been out of the workforce for 11+ years to stay at home to raise my children, so potential new employers did not pay attention to me or my resume when I applied for jobs. I was desperate and pleading with God to help us.

One day during this time, I was online looking for jobs, when an update email came across the screen from my son’s high school. I did not always pay very close attention to these, but that particular day, something inside of me told me that I NEEDED to pay attention to this email. The Holy Spirit works in wonderful, sometimes very small, ways.

The very last item, on the very long email, was an incredibly small blurb about becoming a potential candidate for The Christian Women’s Job Corps. It seemed, at first glance, like this may be an answer to countless prayers. So, the next morning, I excitedly made a call to CWJC at First Baptist Church in Huntsville.

I was scheduled for an interview, became a member of the Fall 2011 class, and the rest is a wonderful story God helped write.

Because of the CWJC, I was able to refresh my rusty computer skills, update my resume, gain my confidence again by going to work each afternoon as part of their “intern” placement program. Even though there were extreme difficulties at home, I remember feeling so at peace when I walked through the doors into that program. Their genuine concern for our betterment was evident in every interaction we had with the teachers/ volunteers. I met wonderful people, made important connections, and three months after I finished the program, landed a wonderful job working with the most incredible group of people. It was all a direct result of the CWJC.

CWJC literally propelled my life in a direction I would never have imagined for myself. I was able to help my family financially during a very stressful time. I thank God every single day for guiding me to an incredible job and people with whom I love to work! I ALWAYS remember that it started with the abundant blessing that Christian Women’s Job Corps has been in my life.

God’s voice is very present in the people and circumstances He allows in our lives. I al-
most deleted the email that day with the CWJC informa- tion. And not another time since that day did I ever see another mention of CWJC in those email updates. If I hadn’t listened to that “inner voice”, I would have lost the opportunity, as many of my friends had never heard of the program. The life I have today is a direct result of my decision to allow CWJC to help me. Their program was invaluable to me and to other women who find themselves in unwelcome circumstances. CWJC accepts women from such diverse walks of life and helps breathe new life, hope and opportunities into them
-- all free of charge to the participants.

I had no idea what my next steps were going to be during that extremely difficult time in our lives, but God knew. He led me to CWJC and the incredible men & women who volunteer their time. They helped protect and guide me until I was ready to receive God’s plan for my life and the life of my family. I will always be extremely thankful for that very specific answered prayer and the enormous blessing of CWJC.

Jeremiah 29:11 -- God knew the plans He had for me. CWJC helped me to find them.


In the summer of 2011, we were living with the upheaval and stress of both my husband and me being unemployed. That reality adds a level of burden, fear, and difficulty upon a family that is difficult to explain. I had been out of the workforce for 11+ years to stay at home to raise my children, so potential new employers did not pay attention to me or my resume when I applied for jobs. I was desperate and pleading with God to help us.

One day during this time, I was online looking for jobs, when an update email came across the screen from my son’s high school. I did not always pay very close attention to these, but that particular day, something inside of me told me that I NEEDED to pay attention to this email. The Holy Spirit works in wonderful, sometimes very small, ways.

The very last item, on the very long email, was an incredibly small blurb about becoming a potential candidate for The Christian Women’s Job Corps. It seemed, at first glance, like this may be an answer to countless prayers. So, the next morning, I excitedly made a call to CWJC at First Baptist Church in Huntsville.

I was scheduled for an interview, became a member of the Fall 2011 class, and the rest is a wonderful story God helped write.

Because of the CWJC, I was able to refresh my rusty computer skills, update my resume, gain my confidence again by going to work each afternoon as part of their “intern” placement program. Even though there were extreme difficulties at home, I remember feeling so at peace when I walked through the doors into that program. Their genuine concern for our betterment was evident in every interaction we had with the teachers/ volunteers. I met wonderful people, made important connections, and three months after I finished the program, landed a wonderful job working with the most incredible group of people. It was all a direct result of the CWJC.

CWJC literally propelled my life in a direction I would never have imagined for myself. I was able to help my family financially during a very stressful time. I thank God every single day for guiding me to an incredible job and people with whom I love to work! I ALWAYS remember that it started with the abundant blessing that Christian Women’s Job Corps has been in my life.

God’s voice is very present in the people and circumstances He allows in our lives. I al-
most deleted the email that day with the CWJC informa- tion. And not another time since that day did I ever see another mention of CWJC in those email updates. If I hadn’t listened to that “inner voice”, I would have lost the opportunity, as many of my friends had never heard of the program. The life I have today is a direct result of my decision to allow CWJC to help me. Their program was invaluable to me and to other women who find themselves in unwelcome circumstances. CWJC accepts women from such diverse walks of life and helps breathe new life, hope and opportunities into them
-- all free of charge to the participants.

I had no idea what my next steps were going to be during that extremely difficult time in our lives, but God knew. He led me to CWJC and the incredible men & women who volunteer their time. They helped protect and guide me until I was ready to receive God’s plan for my life and the life of my family. I will always be extremely thankful for that very specific answered prayer and the enormous blessing of CWJC.

Jeremiah 29:11 -- God knew the plans He had for me. CWJC helped me to find them.

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